If you are pregnant right now or thinking of getting pregnant in a few days, you must have heard of two most important pieces of advice from everyone — quitting smoking and alcohol in order to have a healthy pregnancy ahead. But there are a number of other factors that promote healthy pregnancy for both the mother and the baby. So, just keep reading our latest article, drafted by the medical experts of the highest-rated 4D baby scan clinic in Peterborough to know the entire information.
Below, we are going to elaborate 5 tips that typically help promote healthy pregnancy ahead –
1. Change up your shifts of household chores:
When you get pregnant, you need to take every step carefully. Even some of your everyday household chores can be risky for your pregnancy. Household activities like scrubbing your washrooms and kitchen, cleaning floors, and taking care of your pets are extremely harmful to do during pregnancy. Besides, direct exposure to some chemical compounds that you often come across while doing your household duties may lead you to pregnancy loss. So, it is better if you hand over these tasks to anyone else in your family or hire a professional to do all these when you are pregnant.
2. Drink plenty of water:
Since during pregnancy, your blood supplies oxygen and other necessary health nutrients to your baby via the placenta, your blood level increases automatically up to 50%. So, to adjust this change in your blood volume, you must drink up an ample amount of pure water every day. Besides, drinking a sufficient amount of water during pregnancy prevents other serious pregnancy complications like fatigue, Urinary Tract Infections, constipation, headache, etc. In general, a mom-to-be is recommended to have a minimum of 8–10 glasses of water every day.
3. Recharge yourself with fresh fruits:
Taking some natural sugar through some fresh fruits is not a bad thing in pregnancy. Besides, fruits contain a number of essential minerals and nutrients that are pretty inevitable for the growth and development of a baby. So, you can try nibbling on some fresh juicy fruits to recharge your energy and help your baby grow well inside your womb. The medical professionals of the most recommended baby scan clinic in Peterborough opine that the natural sugar from fruits like bananas and apples can effectively lift up your energy level when you are pregnant.
4. Choose cleanliness:
After the worldwide devastating effects of Covid-19, it is needless to say that cleanliness is above anything else. And, when you are pregnant, you need to be more alert as it is related to the safety of your little one who is gradually growing inside your womb. During this time, you must use alcohol-based hand sanitizer to combat unhealthy bacteria and viruses. Staying clean while pregnant can prevent your developing baby from getting infected also.
5. Note when you call your healthcare professional:
First-time moms are ever-confused about when to see a doctor as pregnancy offers a bundle of risks and complications. So, it is better to know the conditions beforehand –
· Abdominal pain or severe cramp
· Frequent contractions
· Fatigue
· Dizziness
· Vaginal bleeding (mild to severe)
· Extreme vomiting or nausea
· Swollen feet
· Reduced activity of the baby inside the womb
Want to know more? Visit us for the best fetal well-being scan in Peterborough.