The most common thought that comes to the mind of every parent-to-be is whether they are going to have a baby girl or a baby boy. For anticipation, a gender scan is required from a clinic of private ultrasound scan in Peterborough.
Is it a safe test for both the mother and the baby?
Research reports say that going through a gender detection scan is totally safe for both the mother and the baby. In this process, sound energy is used for capturing images of the fetus. During this ultrasound, a pregnant woman has to lie on her back and a gel is spread on her belly. By moving a transducer, a sound wave gets transmitted and the images of the developing baby come clear on the screen. In this overall procedure, there is nothing to harm the baby and the mum.
Is a gender scan accurate to believe?
The result of a gender determining scan is almost 90% accurate. But sometimes wrong results come out due to the unclear images and the non-expert sonographers.
For getting a confirmation, always prefer a renowned clinic for a private ultrasound scan in Peterborough after the 18th week of pregnancy.
Some funny old wives’ tales for predicting the gender of the baby:
There are some beliefs regarding the gender prediction of the baby. Most of them are not at all reliable.
High or low baby bump-
The funniest myth regarding the gender prediction of the unborn is if a mum carries her baby high, it is a baby girl, and if she carries her baby low, it is a baby boy. It is nothing but an old belief. The baby bump totally depends on the position of the baby. It has nothing to do with the gender of the baby.
Food cravings-
Another facetious theory is if a mom-to-be craves for sweet, she is going to have none but a baby girl and if she has salty or spicy food cravings, she is carrying a baby boy.
The original reason behind such different cravings is the psychological state of the woman during her pregnancy.
Ring test-
This is one of the popular age-old myths. It is believed that the wedding ring can decide the sex of the unborn one. For that, the wedding ring of the pregnant woman gets tied to lace and hung over the belly of the mum. If the ring swings back and forth, the baby inside the womb is considered to be a boy and if it dangles in a circle, it is a baby girl.
This is totally a fun activity, there is no science to justify this.
In this era of science and technology, why believe in such traditional stories? Know your unborn one’s gender before his/her arrival by going through a gender determining scan in a well-being scan clinic in Peterborough. Visit Window to the Womb for having a gender determining ultrasound scan report with 100% accuracy.