The pregnancy period itself is a very critical phase. A mum-to-be has to follow some regulations for the well-being of her baby because the safety of the growing baby is the topmost priority to a mum. A lot of ethos of dos and don’ts automatically come to you when you come to know about your pregnancy. But all of them do not always turn to be authentic facts. Window to the Womb that offers the best private ultrasound scan in Peterborough is going to discuss some proven dos and don’ts with you.
Things you need to do during your pregnancy-
- Do exercise regularly- There are so many proven reports that suggest pregnant mothers work out daily. Doctors say that daily exercise helps mum-to-be combat so many complications including excessive weight gain, muscle pain, insomnia, mood swings.
- Do take multivitamins- A routine diet is not adequate enough for a healthy pregnancy. Consult with your gynecologist and have some more multivitamins that would help in the growth of your baby. Multivitamins contain DHA and EPA. These are called the omega-3 fat that helps in the development of your baby’s brain.
- Do sleep adequately- During the 9 months of pregnancy, your sleeping cycle becomes elusive because of hormonal changes and anxiety. But this is not at all good for your health. Do take power naps whenever you feel tired. Set your bedtime and try to obey that schedule. Take 7–8 hours of sound sleep to avoid weakness.
- Do eat seafood- Seafood contains a lot of nutrients and minerals that help in the growth of the baby. Seafood is healthy for the baby but it has to be well-cooked.
Things you need to avoid during your pregnancy-
- Don’t sit on a hot tub or sauna- Research reports say that the high-heat environment of a hot tub or sauna is very much harmful to the baby. Even it can cause miscarriage.
- Don’t smoke cigarettes and don’t drink alcohol- During pregnancy smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol are strictly prohibited. Babies born from a smoker mother gain low weight. On the other hand, excessive consumption of alcohol would deliver a baby with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).
- Don’t wear stilettos- Try to stick to the heel of 3 inches or less. As your belly grows, your center of gravity gets also changed. In this situation, you can often find yourself unsteady on your own feet. Hence, make a smart choice and try to wear flat slippers.
- Don’t clean your cat’s litter- Toxoplasmosis is a particular injection that can occur from your pet. The main reason behind this infection is a parasite that can be found on the face of a cat. Hence, to protect your baby from this unwanted infection, try not to clean your pet’s litter with your own hand. Ask someone else to do this on your behalf.
Consult your gynecologist and clear your doubts because your little one’s safety is weighty during your pregnancy.