Pregnancy for the first time comes with unexpected joy, along with it several questions arise in the minds of the patient and the visitors. Anxiety and fear arise in the minds of first-time parents-to-be. The pregnant mum and the family needs to go through our official website and read our blogs. The sonographers are trained professionals who conduct the scans, the medical staff is trained so that they can answer every question of the patient and the family. Sometimes chromosomal abnormality may be present in the babies when an extra part is present in position twenty-one. To detect such chromosomal abnormality NT scan is done at Baby Scan Offers Peterborough. This is one clinic where 4D scans are done. The 4D scans are 3D pictures of the baby moving in the womb. The Window to the Womb provides scanning services in packages to the families living in and around Reading at an affordable price. You need to choose the best from the baby scan packages in Peterborough.
The following types of scans are done in the clinic:
· The first scan is done as soon as the pregnancy is found out. The physician advises for the ultrasound at a reliable clinic and this pregnancy scan is done as early as six weeks. The location and the number of pregnancies are found out from the first scan at the clinic. When the pregnancy develops outside the uterine cavity then it is known as ectopic pregnancy. If the number of pregnancies exceeds one, when there are twins or quadruplets present in the womb then the condition is found out from the scan.
· The next scan is done at sixteen weeks when the arms, legs, fingers, ears are seen developing in the fetus as tiny features. The heartbeat can be heard at this stage. The facial expression of the baby can also be seen now. The Peterborough Baby Scan Packages are offered at the most affordable price.
· The next scan is done at twenty-four weeks when the circulatory systems of the baby are well developed. The urinary and blood circulatory systems are seen functioning in this stage. Pre-eclampsia can be detected at this stage and the symptoms are high blood pressure, swelling, and protein in the urine. Gender can also be determined at this stage.
· The last scan is done at a time in between twenty-six weeks and forty –two weeks of pregnancy. The weight and the measurement of the baby can be determined from this scan. The growth and the development of the baby are checked from this scan. This scan is also known as a growth or developmental scan.